Got a burning question that you need answered? Not sure how to move forward with something? Need an independent viewpoint? We are there to support you with these across the range of HR areas.
Finding and retaining the best candidates can be challenging and time consuming. From scoping out the role requirements and competencies all the way through to offer and onboarding we can assist with specific stages or can manage the whole process for you.
Being open and transparent about what you expect from your employees is the basis of any successful working relationship. We can help draft new bespoke documents or review existing ones, giving you peace of mind that your paperwork is in order.
Organisational change is a constant in many organisation’s and people are at the centre of many of these change processes. Whether you are going through a reorganisation or restructure, TUPE transfer, implementing new processes/systems or other change management initiatives we can help support you in successfully delivering these.
Unfortunately difficulties may arise in the employment relationship which require matters to be managed in line with the formal policies and procedures. We can work with you to advise you on the processes, provide case management support, draft paperwork for you or undertake an investigation. We can also use our conflict management coaching experience to help resolve interpersonal disputes.
Its worth investing in health and wellbeing initiatives that will ensure that your employees stay fit, keep healthy, perform well and improve their employee experience.
We can advise you on and support you in the implementation of health and wellbeing plans/strategies and initiatives, as well as reviewing relevant policies and procedures.
Developing your employees is an essential part of you being able to deliver your business goals and coaching and mentoring are effective approaches to developing employees. We can work with your employees using either coaching or mentoring to focus on specific goals to help enhance their skills, knowledge, performance and confidence.
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